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Doctors of Osteopathy, or D.O.'s, are trained to look at the whole person (body, mind, and spirit) and see each patient as more than just a collection of body parts that may become injured or diseased. The osteopathic physician sees the integrated nature of the various organ systems and the body’s capabilities for self-regulation and self-healing. These principles acknowledge the importance of the musculoskeletal system and its role in health and disease.



  • The body is a unit.

  • The body has self-healing abilities.

  • Structure and function are inter-related.

  • Rational treatment will take the first three into account.

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is a way to assist the body’s self-healing mechanisms.  OMT is a hands-on approach to healing that enhances the body’s ability to function and to heal itself. The goal of treatment is to restore the unrestricted motion and function of the body and all its structures. The other goal is that the patient will learn how to manage a chronic problem, so they have little reliance on the physician. 


OMT is first learned by students during medical school. Osteopathic medical school is a four-year training program, like traditional medical school, although with additional time allotted to learning OMT.  Most Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.'s) then complete a residency in primary care, surgery, anesthesia, or any of the specialties. A small percentage of D.O.s will choose to make OMT a mainstay of their practice.


OMT differs from other bodywork in that it is part of a medical philosophy that considers the body as a unit and recognizes that its structure influences its function.  It looks for the cause of problems and encourages patient participation in the resolution of somatic (body) complaints. Some patients will not need to return for treatment after their problem has been resolved unless a new problem arises.  Some chronic conditions (i.e., scoliosis, arthritis) may need regular visits with some more frequent treatments during flares in symptoms.


Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment is prescribed by the physician and is performed by the physician.  It is used when there is a diagnosis of “somatic dysfunction” (problem with a part of the body).  A somatic dysfunction is defined as 1) altered tissue texture, 2) range of motion changes 3) tenderness.  When at least two of these are present, OMT will usually be prescribed and performed. 


Most of Dr. Parke’s patients will receive Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. Cranial bone motion and the fluctuations of the cerebral spinal fluid give vitality to the tissues. The cranial bones can move due to the sutures (jagged lines between the cranial bones) which function like joints.  The inherent motion helps the blood and CSF flow in and out of the cranium and move downstream. Treatment of the cranium can also be directed at the dura (the covering of the brain and spinal cord). Note that Osteopathic cranial manipulation can differ from craniosacral therapy.


© 2022-2023 Dr. Susannah Parke, DO, PLC

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