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Please set up an account on the Jane app (if you do not already have one):

In your Jane account, please fill out the Intake form with demographic information and medical details.  It will then prompt you to sign the consent forms. You cannot be seen by Dr. Parke without completing the intake and consent forms.

To obtain any outside records, we will need you to sign a Sign of Release document at the office.
If there are questions or concerns, please discuss them with us before your appointment. Thank you!



We take your privacy seriously and work hard to make sure none of your private information is shared with the wrong people. Please review the Privacy Practice Notice. This is a standard document among medical offices that states what we can and cannot do with your information.



  • Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment. This will allow time for you to get changed, use the bathroom if needed, and relax.


  • Please wear comfortable clothing to every visit. Please wear or bring socks. T-shirts and shorts or sweatpants work well. Tight or thick clothes can impede effective treatment. We have two large bathrooms near the suite available if you need to change before your appointment.


  • Bring any old imaging, copies of labs or relevant paperwork. We can make and keep copies in our system for future reference by Dr. Parke.


  • Payment for each visit will be processed at the end of the visit. To avoid cutting into treatment time, we ask that you put a credit card on file before your first appointment. This can be done in Jane app or our office assistant can help you do that before you come.



Your treatment session is important to us and we reserve your appointment time for you alone. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the schedule and deprives other patients of opportunities for care. Therefore, we require 48 business hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. (For instance, for changes to a 10:00am Monday appointment, we would require notice by 10:00am Thursday.) Patients who provide less than 2 business day notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the charge for the visit (based off $340/hr).


If you are cancelling your appointment within 48 business hours and you are sick or responsible for someone who is sick, you may be subject to a smaller fee. We don't enjoy charging fees! But we have to bill them to keep the office afloat given high overhead costs to run a medical office.  Note! You may switch your visit to a telemedicine visit to avoid this fee.  

Patients with repeat cancellations without rescheduling may be discharged from the practice.


If you are not comfortable with these policies, please reconsider scheduling an appointment.  We thank you for your understanding.



  • As of May 1st, 2023 masks are optional in the office.  If you prefer to wear a mask during your visit and would like us to as well, please let us know.  Dr. Parke washes her hands before every patient, and has a K95 or N95 mask on hand. We have hand sanitizer available for everyone's use. 


  • If you are feeling ill or have been recently exposed to someone with COVID, please stay home. We are happy to reschedule your visit in cases of COVID exposure or symptoms. If you test positive, we ask that you not come to the office until free of symptoms AND at least 7 days after the test. Also keep this in mind if you were exposed to a family member. If you have questions about a specific situation, please call the office to discuss.​


  • We have Molekule air purifiers in each room.

© 2022-2023 Dr. Susannah Parke, DO, PLC

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